
Entry 10

Well, the power finally gave out in the dorm room yesterday. We were pretty upset about it. It cut us off right in the middle of watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the original. I guess it puts our minds at ease, watching movies about psychos. I guess all those zombie movies were technically based on a true story--it just hadn't happened yet.

You can take away our showers, our toilets, our liquor, you can even take away our cable/satellite. But take away our internet? Take away our Netflix instant stream? There was no question about it. We had to get power back on and fast or take the risk of going insane and eating each other for entertainment.

As we were trying to think of a plan about how to get the power back on, I radioed my parents on my handheld CB. My dad suggested that the college might have a generator somewhere that we could snag. Only problem was the campus was huge! So, against my parents' wishes, I started trying the different channels on the CB. I started on channel 9, the channel I thought was the emergency channel. I picked up some of my dad's trucker lingo over the years and tried it now, hoping it would give us some results.

"10-33, 10-33. Emergency! We are survivors taking shelter at the college. Our power has gone out. 10-33, 10-33. Copy?"

Frantically, Heather grabbed the CB out of my hands "We have not internet!! Please help!! Is there a AT&T technician out there? Please! We are going crazy! I must have YouTube!"

I was able to wrestle the radio away from Heather. I listened for a couple minutes before moving on to channel 10. On it went until we got to channel 13. "10-4. What's your handle? What's your 10-20?"

The signal was weak, "10-1. I am getting a lot of static. What's my handle?" I turned to everyone who shrugged their shoulders.

Amber suggested, "Just tell him your real name."

"No way!" I responded. "He might be some crazy maniac stalker!"

Jeremy rolled his eyes, "Yeah, we really need to watch out for those stalkers. Not like we are SURROUNDED BY ZOMBIES!" Jeremy grabbed the CB, "Farva. Our handle is Farva."

I punched Jeremy in the shoulder. "Farva? Really? You have got to lay off the Super Troopers." I got the radio back from Jeremy. I spoke to the anonymous voice on the radio, "Well, why should we give you our 10-20?"

The voice responded, "Maybe I still have power. Maybe I have a nice little generator that has been running like a dream. Wouldn't it be nice to have your power back on?"

All the girls, myself included, squealed for joy. "You would let us have it? What's your location?"

The voice responded, "As long as I get to come along, sure. It has been lonely here by myself. Though, I do not feel comfortable giving you my location when you wouldn't give me yours. Maybe I'll give you a little riddle. If you can find me, great! If not, you either have to suffer without power or give me your location."

I replied, "Sounds like a deal. What's the riddle?"

The voice changed and got all creepy-like, "What's your favorite scary movie?"

...To be continued


Entry 9

Hi everyone! Thought I would jump online and give you a quick update. The power has been flickering on and off a little the past couple of days. When we are really bored, we make it into a drinking time. Every time the lights go out, we take a shot.

Sometimes we hear gun shots in the distance. There have also been some explosions. We are not sure where the explosions are happening in relation to us or what causes them. Jeremy insists its the baked beans. Ha ha ha. Very mature, isn't he.

As if that wasn't enough, the plumbing has started to act up. So, now, if its yellow, we let it mellow. If its brown, you better drag your ass to another floor before letting loose. Then you flush it down. We don't need someone's fresh shit sticking up the whole floor if the plumbing happens to give up the ghost. As a last resort, we have old Homer.


Entry 8

Hello everyone! Yes, we are still alive! I hope you are as well... I guess you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't. Oh, nevermind.
We happen to still have electricity AND running water. BAM! We are pretty lucky. I guess there are a few spots in the US that are still safe, my dorm being one of them. Google, AT&T and MTV must have some damn near impenetrable bunkers. We have been surfing the net today and chatting with other survivors. There are websites springing up all over the place with blogs and video blogs of other survivors. Of course, Facebook is still as invincible as ever. It is nice to go on there an update your status, even if it is "It's been  a good day. Didn't get eaten."
Speaking of Facebook, rumor is the dead are returning to life, something to do with the virus. That's right...


Jeremy bitches every time I say the "Z" word (as he calls it). I guess it is bad luck. I'm sorry, but I think we can stop worrying about bad luck.

We went exploring on the first floor today. What was one or two...thingies...a couple of days ago, became a swarm of...thingies (got to think of a better word). They keep beating on the front and back doors, the windows, the walls. If you listen hard enough, it sounds a little bit like Bieber's song "Baby"...or the "Friday" song, I can't decide.

Heather totally freaked out. "What if they get in?"

I responded, "They won't. The doors are armed with keypad entry. Besides, even if they weren't, the things would have to figure out the sign on the door says "pull". So far, all they have been doing is beat, pound, and push."

Heather nodded nervously, then ran back upstairs. The rest of us reinforced the windows with the interior doors from the dorms.

After doing all the work, we went back upstairs and just hung out. Not much to do besides watching movies, the few channels that are still up and running, and surf the web. If I don't die from being eaten by my undead college amigos, I will die from boredom.


Entry 7

The gun fire began to slow towards dawn on Sunday morning. At first light, we looked out my little window to find the field once covered with beautiful dark green grass was now an ocean of bodies and blood. I fought the urge to vomit, though I wasn't sure how much of my nausea was from the gore or from the alcohol the night before. (Check out my awesome rhyme. I was a poet and didn’t even know it.)
Anyway, it was hard to tell where one body ended and another began. There were pieces everywhere. It all kind of meshed together, but almost right away, I picked up moment. Scattered throughout the field were what looked like people, hunched over like squirrels working on nuts. After further investigation (which consisted of us tossing around ideas of whether they were defecating, eating, or just on a really bad acid trip), we discovered they were actually eating the human remains. I’m sure that can’t be healthy, though it might fit in with that low carb diet everyone is raging about.
We all just stayed put and played video games. At least we still have power and water. With all of the supplies, my dad broke down a rationing chart with instructions of how much we should be consuming each day based on how many people are in the group. It worked pretty well, though it wasn’t hard. Spam and baked beans may be good once maybe twice a month, but almost every day? Needless to say, we were getting tired of the food (and a little gassy).
By , the temperature had reached 90 degrees. There was an awful smell in the air which I instantly blamed on Jeremy. It reeked like raw chicken and fish left out overnight in a sauna. It certainly was gag worthy. I even suggested that once this is all over, Jeremy should see a doctor about it. It just ain’t right.
Of course, he insisted he was not the one responsible for the smell. His was the age-old defense that who ever smelt it, had indeed dealt it, while I stuck with the theory that who ever denied it, supplied it. That was when Heather chimed in saying that the smell was not generated from the bowels of anyone present in the room. She suggested that, in fact, the smell was penetrating the building from outside.
To test this theory, I opened the window slightly. It was barely cracked when my nose was attacked by a wall of the horrible, riotous odor. I let out a gagging noise and couldn’t get the window closed fast enough. We all cleared out of my dorm room, tripping over each other. I ran to the closet at the end of the hall. It was always locked, and this time was no different. I would have torn the door off with my bare hands. Lucky for me, I had a screw driver included in the supplies Dad sent me. Risking life and nostril hair, I ran back into my dorm room, grabbed the screw driver, and ran back out. I took the hinges off the door and grabbed as many bottles of Febreeze as my little arms could carry.
After going through three bottles and lighting all the candles and incense we could find, we could finally breathe without worrying about tossing our cookies, though all the fragrances gave us headaches.
I looked outside again over the field and noticed a man looking up at the window. He was covered in blood and walked like he had a bum leg. He kept walking towards the building until he was directly under the window. The look on his face terrified me. Then, he began to attack the brick walls of the dorm with his hands. I didn’t know what to think. None of us did. Something happened to the people in our town, and we might possibly be the only normal survivors in the area. All I could think of was how life was before all this happened. It would be finals week. I almost rather be taking a final than facing this plague. Almost.


Entry 6

I can't post much now. It looks like the people they thought died from the virus are not dead at all. There has been machine gun fire. Everyone is going crazy. My friends and I are holed up together in the dorm just watching everything from the window. Army and CDC personnel with huge guns and rifles are mowing down what look like normal people. I saw one guy take five bullets to the chest and he still won't go down. I contacted my parents in the CB. They are safe in the fallout shelter. We agreed to radio silence so if anyone were to get into the dorms, they wouldn't hear us. I am to check in at dawn. The door is locked and the lights are out. None of us dare to move or even breathe. I'm so scared right now. Anyone who is reading this right now need to take shelter or at least be prepared. I hope to post tomorrow, God willing. If you are out there, tell us what is going on in your area. We feel so alone right now.


Entry 5

Happy Friday everyone! It's good the be alive! The campus has been pretty quiet these past few days. I woke up last night to a few gun shots. Out here in Middle of Nowhere, Georgia, it isn't uncommon to hear gun shots. It is usually hunters. If it were hunters, I hope they know that it isn't even deer season. Besides, it is illegal to spot-light deer at night. Not that I hunt. Hell no! Ben hunts all the time. He doesn't use a gone though. He uses a compound crossbow. He says it is harder than hunting with a gun, levels the playing field ever so slightly. Whatever. I rather buy my meat at the grocery store. Let someone else do the killing.

In other news, I was able to get in touch with a couple of my friends. Jeremy doesn't live on campus; he lives with his folks. When they got sick, Jeremy took care of them. He didn't think it was serious until his father developed boils, his fever was so high. So, Jeremy took his parents to the hospital right before everything went nuts. Later, that night, he heard what was happening on the news. He decided against going to the hospital. He isn't paranoid about conspiracies, like my dad. He just hates hospitals. Anyway, I called him yesterday morning and gave him shit for not calling me back. Turns out he was bored stiff by himself. I invited him to hang out in the dorm until this all blows over. After all, there is no one to really bitch at me about having a boy in a girls dorm. Too bad Ben is so sick. Or at least, I hope he is. I know that sounds weird, but I rather him be sick than dead. Jeremy hasn't mentioned his parents. I decided it better not to bring it up.
Along with Jeremy, we had a couple of Amber's friends come over from the other dorms. When she said booze, there was no keeping them away. It isn't so boring now with Heather and Megan. Teamed up with Amber, it is a never ending party. Of course, Jeremy is loving it all. Only guy with four hot girls. Things couldn't be better for him at the moment. It is just a huge stew pot of hormones.

There's more gun shots now. When I look out my little cell window, I can't see much. I have kind of tuned out the gun shots. If it doesn't end soon, I will have to call the cops and complain. We do have a noise ordinance in this town, after all.



Entry 4

Well, it looks like the shit has hit the fan today. Most of those infected seemed to have passed away last night and there is still no diagnosis to what the virus is let alone a cure for it. I haven't heard anything about Ben. I would go down to the cafeteria and check myself, but to do so would be risking my own life. To be honest, it is pretty scary. I talked to my parents over the CB earlier this afternoon. The college has closed down until further notice and has encouraged all students who have had no contact with the virus to go home. When I told my dad this, he instructed me to stay put. "The roads are sure to be a mess. The virus is running rampant throughout Georgia and the Southeast. I think you are safer staying put. If things change, we will come and get you. Your mother and I are waiting in the bunker until things change either for the better or worse. Over."
I felt like a child again being told to go back to bed after having a nightmare. But, of course, I was an adult now, right? I could handle this. Just ride it out. "10-4 good buddy. Gotta go. Over."
My mom responded, "Love you, honey. Hang tight. You'll be fine. Over."
I tried not to cry, "Love you too. Over and out."

Something about being away from those who love me most really got to me. It would be nice to be home right now and make fun of Dad and his fallout shelter while secretly thanking God he built it. Okay, here come the waterworks.

"Hey, chica!" said Amber from the doorway of my dorm room. "You leaving too?"

I put on my brave face. "Uh, no. What about you?"

"You kidding? My parents are probably living it up somewhere in France right now. Once me, the baby, left for college, they decided to really take that empty nester thing to heart. They took their savings and went to Europe for three months. They aren't due back for at least another three weeks. But, I can't complain. They still wire money into my account for essentials..." She held up the six pack she had in her hand. "Want one?"

"Hell yeah!" We sat down on my bed and popped open a few beers. "Where's Lacy?"

"She went back home."

"So, you wanna be my new roomie for the time being? I don't think my roommate... will be back any time soon."

Amber's face lit up. "Sure, let me get some of my things." She ran across the hall to her room and started packing a suit case. I had a feeling I wasn't the only one worried about being away from my parents. Though, I must admit, she hid it better than I did.

We have been watching TV since then. We started watching the news to see what was going on. It was like the Black Death all over again. People were dying everywhere down south and no one knew what the hell was going on. It was spreading fast too. The handy dandy map they showed the estimated progression of the virus throughout the US. By the end of two weeks, tops, the entire country would be under siege by this mystery plague. That is, unless the scientists make a break through first.

Since all the news did was depress us, we opted to watch something else. All the network channels were covering the virus. Thank God for MTV. But eventually, you can only watch so much MTV before the urge to vomit from stupid reality show overload takes hold. We turned to the only option we knew would lift our spirits, Disney movies. We have already watched Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast. Next is The Lion King. Can't miss that. Hakuna matata, everyone. Talk to you later!